Being successful in a Model UN conference requires much more than just good research or a well-written position paper. A delegate must also be able to influence the dynamic of the committee by acting as a leader throughout the session. However, even the best delegates sometimes have a hard time understanding how to properly utilize their leadership skills. Being able to establish yourself as a leader from the start of the conference can make you one of the best delegates in the room. Here are three simple ways you can establish yourself as a leader in a MUN committee!
Step Number 1: Be Confident
When establishing yourself as a leader, you should be confident in your own abilities. This will give other delegates and the chair the impression that you are knowledgeable on the topic and an experienced delegate. By completing your research ahead of time, being well prepared, and dressing professionally, you will help boost your self-confidence. After you have gained self-confidence, delivering speeches and leading unmoderated caucuses will be easier.

Step Number 2: Communicate
Becoming a leader in a conference isn’t easy and requires that you have an open line of communication with other delegates. When you first enter the committee room or are waiting for opening ceremonies, start talking with other delegates from the same committee. You can discuss your ideas for the committee, but try to be personable and not too formal since the committee has not officially started. After the conference has commenced, there are several ways through which you can communicate with other delegates. To reach out to an individual delegate, send them a note! If you would like to learn how to pass notes, take a look at this article on the Best Delegate website! To communicate with the committee as a whole, show your leadership with formal speeches in a moderated caucus. Use unmoderated caucuses to address your bloc and the committee in an informal manner.

Step Number 3: Be Respectful
In Model UN, there are two types of leaders: a productive leader, and “power delegate.” A power delegate’s main goal is to win, not to be collaborative and share their ideas. A productive leader learns to get their ideas across but in a respectful manner and is willing to compromise. They are open to suggestions from all delegates and learn to find the middle ground where everyone can contribute to the debate. A productive leader might also want to win an award but the actions they take in the committee aren’t solely for the benefit of him/herself but rather for the bloc itself. Being respectful is crucial in order to not only maintain good relations with the other delegates but it also prompts others to respect you as well.
Although being a leader generally applies to Model UN in the committee setting only, a delegate can also become a leader in their delegation or their Model UN team. A Model UN team usually has a board that is responsible for recruiting members, organizing and conducting meetings, training delegates, and organizing conferences. By showing dedication to the school’s Model UN club and being an active member, a MUN delegate might be able to run for a position on the school board. These positions can include President, Secretary-General, Head Delegate, and more.
At the Model United Nations Institute, we believe that the best delegate is one that brings out the best in other delegates. If you want to learn more about how to be an effective leader, and how to bring out the best in yourself and others, then check out the Ambassador and Diplomat programs at the Model United Nations Institute! Sign up or learn more about the MUN Institute here.