Join Your Model UN Team This Fall

The Art of Passing Notes

A Model UN conference is not just about participating in debate, creating solutions, and winning awards. It is also about effectively communicating with the other delegates. One of the most effective but underused forms of communication is note passing. Notes are effective because they allow for quick and direct communication between two delegates. Notes can help exchange ideas and viewpoints, convince delegates to join your bloc, and communicate with those who oppose you, all without disrupting the committee session. Properly utilizing this resource can make you one of the Best Delegates in the room.

The most important part of passing notes is substance and timing. Without substance, your note won’t have any significance to the receiving delegate. Without proper timing, a delegate might have already formed an alliance with another committee member.  Here are a few tips for writing and passing notes:

Be Unique: When writing a note, the first thing you want to do is establish uniqueness. One unique way to distinguish your notes from others’ is to create custom notes before the conference with your delegation name and flag. This is not necessary but will show the dias and even the other delegates that you were a bit more prepared and put a little more effort into preparing for the conference. 

Set A Tone: Depending on who you are writing the note to, use formal or informal language while always maintaining a respectful and professional attitude. If you are sending a note to the chair or the dias, be formal and direct. However, if you are communicating with another delegate, be informal and establish a casual tone. Try not to use common phrases like “join my bloc” or “what are your ideas” to avoid saying the same thing as everyone else.  Ask for the delegate’s name to allow you to communicate with them on a personal level. This will make you stand out from the rest of the delegates. After this first note has been sent, you can start communicating with them on the actual topic. 

Content: After creating a personal connection in your first note, branch off into the main substance of the notes. Make sure to be simple and direct, and express interest in the other delegate’s ideas. if you are asking a delegate to join your bloc, make sure to explain why they should. Make sure to also include the location where you will be meeting. Finally, end on a question to deepen communication and ensure that the other delegate will send a response back.

Timing: Timing is of the essence in note passing. During the speaker’s list, your goal should be to initiate communication with as many delegates as possible. This is the time that you will be sending the most notes in order to form alliances and blocs. Since many other delegates will use this same strategy, your goal should be to stand out using the suggestions described here. After the first unmoderated caucus, your use of notes will be reduced but they will still come in handy. For example, when communicating with your bloc about working papers, figuring out how many votes your resolution will get, or maybe just asking a delegate about presentation/Q & A, notes will be a great tool.

Neatness: When passing notes, it is always important that your notes are neat and concise. Using a spare piece of paper works, but may seem unprofessional compare to post-it notes or index cards. Additionally, your workspace should also be kept clean. If you receive a lot of notes, the area around your seat can become messy. Keep a specific place for notes so that you are organized and can make sure to address all the notes you receive.

Example of a Note

Communication, cooperation, and completion are key aspects of MUN. Communication between delegates, cooperation between allies and opposers, and completion of working papers may not be possible without notes. All in all, note passing is a tool that all delegates should utilize to increase their chances of success at a MUN conference. 

If you would like to learn more advanced skills in Model UN such as note passing, take a look at the Ambassador program hosted by the MUN Institute. The Ambassador program is perfect for delegates with some conference experience who are looking to refine their skills! For newer delegates, check out the Diplomat program to learn about all the fundamentals of MUN! Early Registration for the Model United Nations Institute starts on December 1  at!

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