General Information
General Information
Welcome to the Model United Nations Institute!
We are excited to host your group this summer.
At the Model UN Institute students develop their public speaking and leadership skills while debating about global issues, and our programs take place at top universities around the nation!
This is the group resource page, where you can access videos, guides, flyers, and more to share with the students and parents in your group. These resources will help them be fully prepared to invest in the Model United Nations Institute experience!
Please let us know if you need other resources to share with the students and parents in your group. In the meantime, explore our existing videos, guides, flyers, and more!

Have questions? Please email me at
MUN Institute Videos
MUN Institute Videos
2020 MUN Institute Highlight Video
Sample Model UN Lesson: How to give the Perfect Opening Speech
Testimonials: Hear From Students and Parents
Have questions? Please email me at
Flyers & Brochures
Flyers & Brochures
Have questions? Please email us at
Sample Schedules
Sample Schedules
Please download our sample schedule that shows a day in the life of our MUN Institute students so parents can understand what their child’s schedule will be like. Schedules may change slightly due to differences at certain program locations.
Model United Nations Institute Summer 2020 English Exchange Sample Schedule
MUN Guides
English Resources
English Resources
Please read the English resources provided here and offer them to your students prior to attendance at the MUN Institute. All students are required to take the proficiency screening in order for us to assess students’ abilities and provide them with the ideal learning environment.