Over the years that I’ve participated in Model UN, I have gained so many helpful skills in areas from public speaking and networking to conducting research projects and understanding global politics. However, one of the most rewarding parts of Model UN for me has been the opportunity to meet new people from across the world. I’ve gotten to know some of my best friends and most inspiring mentors through my Model UN team, the conferences I’ve attended, and my two summers at the Model UN Institute. This ability to make lasting connections alone is a great incentive to get involved with Model UN. Here are three areas of Model UN that can lead to amazing friendships:
1. Your Model UN Team

Joining a Model UN team is a great way to meet new people and make friends from your school, university, or community! By being part of a team, you will get the chance to spend time with individuals who share your interests but have wide ranging perspectives. My teammates have passions ranging from biomedical science to graphic design, but something that brings us all together is an interest in international relations and finding solutions to global issues through Model UN. Some of the best and most engaging conversations I’ve had were with my Model UN teammates, whether about politics, our country or character assignments for an upcoming conference, or whether a hot dog is really a sandwich (by the way, it clearly isn’t)! Through our Model UN team, we bonded over our shared experiences and made strong, lasting friendships.
2. Conferences

Although Model UN is a diplomatic competition, it is a misconception that you cannot make friends when competing at conferences. As taught at the Model UN Institute, the best delegate brings out the best in other delegates, and collaboration is integral to success in Model UN. Some of my past committee allies have become true friends that I’ve kept in touch with to this day! I have even met some of the same delegates at multiple conferences along the years, and it is always fun to see how they have progressed and to catch up with familiar faces.
In a United Nations General Assembly or United Nations Security Council committee, you’ll get to learn about the policies and points of view of many different nations. However, the learning can continue outside of your committee through meeting international delegates and getting to hear firsthand about what it’s like to live in a different country. I have met delegates from Russia, China, Panama, Canada, Bolivia, and many other nations on the high school Model UN circuit.
Another exciting aspect of conferences are the ample time they provide to get to know other delegates outside of committee, with events ranging from themed galas and networking events to trivia, bingo, or movie nights! More likely than not, you’ll leave conferences with newfound friends.
3. The Model UN Institute

The Model UN Institute unites the best of both team spirit and the conference experience, by bringing together passionate students to develop their skills and forge friendships at the same time! The average conference lasts only 2-3 days, while the Model UN Institute is a weeklong experience where you’ll get to spend time with fellow campers not only in classes and simulations, but during meals, in the dorms, on field trips, and during free time spent on the beautiful campus of a university like Harvard or Georgetown! Just like at conferences, the Model UN Institute is very international and has hosted students from more than 50 countries along the years.
Another wonderful aspect of the Model UN Institute is the staff, who are some of the best and most inspiring students on the college Model UN circuit. With a 1-to-12 staff-to-delegate ratio and a MUN Mentor assigned to each student, the programs allow you to learn from and make friends with incredible leaders who will equip you with Model UN tools and strategies that help you feel confident in representing your country or character. My first ever experience with Model UN was during middle school, when I attended the Junior Diplomat summer program. That was how I discovered my love for the extracurricular and for the knowledge and friendships Model UN gives you, and as soon as the program ended I already couldn’t wait to come back for more! I attended the Ambassador program the following summer, where all the techniques I learned from my MUN Mentors prepared me really well for my first year of doing conferences on the high school circuit. My mentors from both Best Delegate programs remain some of my biggest role models and the most brilliant, passionate, and knowledgeable people I’ve ever met.

Whether you’re ready to begin your Model UN journey through the Junior Diplomat or Diplomat programs, excited to further develop your abilities at the Ambassador or Crisis Institutes, or are interested in assuming a leadership role in your team through our Secretary General program, the Model UN Institute offers great options that can help you achieve your goal while also making unique friendships along the way. Registration is now open!