Join Your Model UN Team This Fall

Announcing MUN Institute Programs at U.C. Irvine!

Here at the MUN Institute, we’re gearing up for Summer 2019 by adding even more awesome programs to teach middle- and high-school students everything there is to know about Model UN! Back by popular demand, we’re heading back to the University of California, Irvine.

California has a long tradition of Model United Nations education. Colleges and universities throughout the state have incredible competitive MUN programs, and Californian high schools also have a deep-rooted network of strong Model UN teams. So, coming back to teach the MUN Institute at Irvine this summer will be promoting even more Model UN education in the region!

Interested in MUN Institute programs located at U.C. Irvine? Click here to learn more about our high school program, and click here to check out our middle school program.

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