Join Your Model UN Team This Fall

Day in the Life of a MUNI Camper

Want to know what exactly happens at Best Delegate’s Model UN Institute? Read more to experience a Day in the Life of a MUNI camper!

8 am: Start off the day right with breakfast at the campus dining hall and catch up with fellow campersIMG-0174

9 am: First class of the day! Begin the day with a fun speaking activity as a warm-up, such as pitching random objects in the room

9:30 am: Did someone say public speaking? Participate in an impromptu speaking lesson such as Fruits and Vegetables where you and other campers work to pass a salad recipe in the UN cafeteria.

10:30 am: Learn about an interesting topic such as Climate Change for the upcoming simulation and start researching your country’s positionIMG-0173

11:45 am: Time for lunch! Grab a bite at the dining hall with your fellow campers while you discuss plans for the rest of the day

1 pm: Learn about helpful delegate techniques, such as SPEAR and Hook-Point-Action and participate in some more practice activities

2 pm: Put the skills you learned into action at the practice simulation! Represent a country and work with other delegates to pass a resolution.IMG-0172

3:30 pm: Debrief with your MUN mentor in a 1-on-1 feedback session where you will work to become a stronger delegate and meet your goals.

5 pm: Classes have ended for the day and commuter students leave. Meanwhile, residential students head back to the dorms to relax, hang out with friends, explore campus, or take a power nap


6 pm: Head to a local restaurant with your fellow campers and MUN mentors. Grab some delicious dinner and dessert and head over to the Georgetown Waterfront Park and enjoy the view of the Potomac River.

8 pm: Head back to the dorms for the night. Spend time with fellow campers, Residential Counselors, and MUN Mentors doing icebreakers, Minute to Win It, MUN trivia, or movie night!

11 pm: Time for curfew! Get some rest and be prepared for another exciting at MUNI!

Ready to have the summer of a lifetime? Check out to learn more about our programs and register for the MUN Institute!



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  • Sarah March 7, 2018, 8:13 am

    Great article 🙂 I wish I could go to this camp!

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