John Jay Model United Nations Conference (JJMUNC) is not your ordinary high school Model UN conference. Only in it’s third year, 300 delegates from 16 schools in the tri-state area gathered to attend JJMUNC III. The one-day conference was held at John Jay High School in Westchester, NY and was led by the members of their Model UN club. JJMUNC is friendly to delegates of all-levels: novice to advanced.

Delegates had the opportunity to participate in General Assembly, Crisis, and Specialized committees. In the World Health Organization, delegates drafted humanitarian response plans to the greatest epidemics of 21st century. The American Revolution concluded with excitement: a duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton and an agreement to end the war. The Triple Ad-Hoc committee is one of JJMUNC’s finest additions this year. This innovative committee incorporated the classic historical and futuristic elements of an Ad-Hoc committee but also included modern-day topics. Delegates represented different states and dealt with crises in a fractioned “United States”. In the Republican National Convention of 2020, delegates discussed immigration, terrorism, and the economy after Hillary Clinton’s presidency. Candidates for the 2020 election included many of the candidates from 2016 such as Donald Trump, John Kasich, and Jeb Bush.

The secretariat and staff of the conference included many MUN Institute alumni, including the Secretary-General of JJMUNC III, Daniel Gordon. Daniel attended the MUN Institute in 2013 and 2014 and incorporated what he learned into JJMUNC III. The rest of the MUN Institute alumni of John Jay High School all served as chairs, vice chairs, or members of the Secretariat in planning this grand-scale local conference. Christina Wang, alumni of 2016, also won Outstanding Delegate in her WHO committee. Congratulations to all MUN Institute alumni!
Thank you to the incredible Secretariat and staff of JJMUNC III for a successful conference! We cannot wait to see the delegations back next year.