Our students have gone on to be leaders of their high school and university Model UN teams and have also gotten into advanced universities throughout the world.

Congratulations to our many alumni who have won awards in the 2014-2015 Model UN season including:
- Matt, Harvard Model United Nations Conference
- Caitlin, Yale Model United Nations Conference & Yale Model Gov Europe: Budapest
- Pablo, Boston Invitational Model United Nations Conference & Yale Model Gov Europe: Budapest
- Henry, Boston Invitational Model United Nations Conference
- Noah, Boston Invitational Model United Nations Conference
- Max, Boston University Academy Model UN Conference
- Grace, William & Mary High School MUN Conference
- Peter, Prince William MUN Conference
- Jonathan, Los Angeles Invitational MUN Conference
- João, Salvador MUN Conference
- Angela, Toronto French School Model United Nations Conference
- Khalil, North American Invitational Model United Nations Conference & Secondary Schools’ United Nations Symposium
- Templeton, North American Invitational Model United Nations Conference
- Leo, North American Invitational Model United Nations Conference
- Grace, Yale Model Gov Europe: Budapest
- Adam, Yale Model Gov Europe: Budapest
Our students have been accepted to: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Columbia, UPenn, Emory, UChicago, Georgetown, Berkeley, UCLA, Dartmouth, Brown, Northwestern, Michigan, Virginia, USC, Wellesley, GWU, McGill, Toronto, and more.
Our students have gone on to be President and Secretary General of their Model United Nations Clubs, have run conferences, and have competed and held leadership positions in their universities Model United Nations programs.
“The Best Delegate Program is one of the best summer programs I have been to. It provides the perfect balance of everything, from practice committees to trips to the city of Georgetown. I highly recommend this camp to anyone who wants to gain confidence and public speaking skills while having a great time.” — Ashka, 11th Grade, Florida
“I have learned more than ever in just one week. I learned and developed my Model UN skills to a level that exceeded even my own expectations. But apart from that, I absorbed so much culture, and learned so much from other’s experiences and stories, that I must say that this program not only contributed to shape me, but changed me forever. I will never forget the great moments I had during this trip and the great friendships I made.” — Gui, 9th Grade, Brazil
“360 feedback changed the way I think about self-improvement not only in MUN but also in my whole life, and the friends I met at Georgetown are some of the greatest people I’ve ever met.” — Khalil, 11th Grade, Canada
“I came here not really knowing what to expect. I was nervous because I had never been to DC. However, I soon found out that in my diplomacy fellow group I was surrounded by students who were very supportive, and who just like me represented a different part of the world. When I first arrived I was really shy about talking in public, I had no idea how Model UN worked in the US and I also couldn’t write a position or resolution paper. When this program finished I could do all of that and also I could manage my time a lot better. The new skills are skills that I will be able to apply to not only MUN, but also to life because thanks to the guest speakers that came to talk to us, I know that I can make a change in the world.” — Carmela, 11th Grade, Peru
Parent Testimonials
“Our son and daughter attended the Best Delegate program this past summer and it was fantastic! It was quite engaging, informative and fun. The instructors are exceptional — they really care about the students, are experts on the Model UN process and format, and create a supportive and encouraging environment for the students. It was a wonderful experience and it improved my kids’ confidence in their public speaking abilities. This program is very professional and top notch!” — Renee, mother of Katie and Joey, California
“Thank you for providing a first class program in every dimension. The curriculum of the program, although geared toward MUN was useful in all areas of study. The Diplomacy Fellows, especially the Director, Ryan were professional, personable, knowledgeable and genuinely committed to providing an incredible learning experience.” — Darla, mother of Alexis, Florida
“This was a highly informative and enriching program on so many levels, from skill-building to unique interactions with participants from all corners of the world all under the tutelage of very capable and caring leaders who offered guidance not just for MUN but also for the journey to college and beyond.” — Maryam, Mother of Kaveh, Texas